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Insomnia and Sleeping Difficulties

There is reasonable evidence to show that most of us need at least seven to eight hours sleep a night. But according to a new health study, people in the UK are the world's worst sleepers. Nearly 40% of the population complain they are not getting enough sleep, and one in ten suffers from chronic insomnia. As a result, having a problem with sleep is now the most widely reported psychological disorder in the UK.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint. It is defined as difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough in order to feel refreshed in the morning.The causes, symptoms and severity of insomnia vary from person to person. Insomnia may include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Difficulty staying asleep throughout the night
  • Waking up too early in the morning

How does lack of sleep affect our everyday lives?

Sleep deprivation can impact nearly every aspect of your life. Studies show a lack of sleep negatively affects our performance at work, impairs decision-making and can damage relationships, affecting our personal lives. In most cases, people who suffer from lack of sleep report a worse overall quality of life.

How does sleep deprivation affect our health?

Recent research has revealed an increased risk of cognitive decline, dementia, high blood pressure and other conditions. Those who fail to get enough sleep are also more likely to be overweight or obese. Sleep deprivation also affects our emotional health, being strongly correlated with stress and anxiety. You are at least double the risk of developing depression in the future.

What can be done?

Many of those who suffer from sleep deprivation often wonder whether they will ever get back to a regular sleep pattern. While many use sleeping tablets to cope with the problem, this is merely dealing with the symptoms, and is certainly not a good long-term strategy. In order to break this vicious cycle, I will work with you to identify the underlying reasons behind the insomnia or sleeping difficulties - which is often conscious/unconscious stress or anxiety. You will be taught some very simple but effective techniques to deal with the latter, including how to relax. Through the use of hypnosis and other psychological techniques, my aim is to put you back in control of your sleeping habits.