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(m) 07742 542101

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Why use Hypnotherapy?

When it comes down to it, your health should be the most important thing to think about. Most people live normal healthy lives, but there may be some aspects they want to change. This could be losing weight, giving up smoking, sleeping better, or just dealing with stress in a more effective way. The American Medical Association (AMA) has recognised hypnosis as a beneficial treatment for many years. In a review of literature published in Psychotherapy Magazine (Volume 7 2008 Alfred Barrios Phd) various therapeutic techniques were profiled. The reported success rates for each was as follows:

Hypnotherapy - 93% success rate after 6 sessions
Behavioral Therapy - 72% after 72 sessions
Psychotherapy - 38% after 699 sessions

Changes take place at a subconscious level. This is where hypnosis, applied in the therapeutic context comes into its own as a powerful and often life-changing therapy.