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Weight Loss

Confused by weight loss?

There is so much confusion nowadays over what is good and what is bad for us regarding what we eat. This is especially true when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. Are you confused about losing weight and then keeping it off? If so, I will motivate you and I will educate you, steering you through the array of conflicting information, and putting you back in control of your eating habits.

Diets don't work!

Losing weight is easy. Keeping it off is hard, and this is where the majority of people fail. It's pretty much accepted now that diets don't work. Diets may help people lose weight initially (most of this will be water loss) but many studies have shown approximately 95% of those who lose weight through dieting will regain it - with a little more on top. The main reason is people tend to go back to old habits after a diet. My aim is to enable you to lose weight within a sensible timeframe and keep it off. Such an approach does not involve crash/fad diets or calorie counting.

Long term weight loss

Most successful long term weight loss is about healthy/sensible eating choices - a change in lifestyle if you like, all be it with a little bit of what you like now and again. Exercise only plays a small part in weight loss - approximately 20%. The other 80% is what you eat.

Empowering you

Using hypnosis and other interventions, I aim to empower you and give you back control of your eating habits, so you are in control of your weight, rather than your weight controlling you. To do this we look at the reasons behind your weight gain. Whilst cravings are completely natural, when these are beyond your control, we have addictive behaviour. And underlying any addiction is anxiety. This anxiety may be on a conscious or unconscious level. I will work with you to get to the root cause of the presenting problem (anxiety) in order to deal with the symptom (overeating).

Effective weight control

Hypnosis helps resolve the core feelings that are driving your unhealthy eating habits. In addition to hypnotherapy, I will teach you everyday coping strategies to deal with any anxiety in order to reduce the addictive cravings you have for food and bring them down to a manageable level. The synergy between these and other powerful interventions mean you can achieve effective weight control through permanent and healthy changes to your lifestyle and ongoing relationship with food.