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Quit Smoking or Vaping

Every year in the UK, 80,000 people die from smoking-related illnesses. It’s linked to coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, as well as a number of cancers - one third of all cancer cases are directly attributable to smoking.

Most effective method

A number of major research studies into the effect of hypnosis on smoking cessation have shown long-term success rates of over 90%. In 1992 the magazine New Scientist reported on the largest ever scientific comparison of ways to break the smoking habit (Schmidt and Viswesvaran). Hypnosis was found to be the most effective method by an impressive margin.

Breaking the smoking or vaping habit

Hypnosis harnesses the power of the subconscious mind to reinforce positive messages about quitting which are given whilst you are in the trance state. The subconscious triggers keeping you smoking are eliminated and thus the smoking habit is broken.

Remaining a non-smoker or vaper

To begin the session, a detailed case history is taken, and key information is fed back to you whilst in the trance state. To help you quit smoking and remain a non smoker, I combine hypnosis with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). The latter is particularly useful for helping to overcome the smoking habit. I will teach you to utilise EFT to deal with any withdrawal symptoms if they come up. The synergy between these two powerful interventions makes for an extremely effective approach when it comes to quitting smoking and remaining a non smoker.

Will I put on weight?

Many people who give up smoking put on weight. This is because the underlying reasons behind the addiction have not been eliminated and they go from one addictive behaviour to another, i.e. overeating. Whilst cravings are completely natural, when these are not controllable we have an addictive behaviour, and underlying any addictive behaviour is anxiety. I will work with you to get to the root cause of the problem (anxiety) in order to deal with the symptom (smoking) and then teach you how to manage any anxiety as it comes up. Because the underlying reasons for the anxiety have been addressed, you will not go from one addictive behaviour to another.

Health Benefits

  • Within 24 hours of giving up smoking, your carbon monoxide levels go back to normal
  • After 48 hours there is no nicotine left in your body
  • In 2-12 weeks your circulation levels improve
  • In 1 year your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker

Financial Benefits

Assuming you have a 20-a-day habit, quitting smoking could save you nearly £6,000 a year. Think of all the things you could do with that money year on year. After paying £195 for a one-off session of hypnotherapy, you begin saving money in under two weeks.

Let's face it - in terms of the improvements to both your health and your finances, giving up smoking is a no-brainer. So what are you waiting for? Do something about it right now!

This is a one session treatment and lasts around two hours. It is a personalised approach and is specifically tailored to your individual needs.

Client Testimonial

I went to see Beau after a very unpleasant 25 year battle with cigarettes. I was harbouring strong feelings of hopelessness and self-hatred and had reached a point of desperation. I was pretty sceptical about hypnosis but felt it was the only thing I could try after many failed attempts to quit using more traditional methods. I am confident in saying that my relationship with cigarettes is now forever changed. For me the results were instant. I have not touched a cigarette since my session with Beau, nor do I have any desire to do so. Even being around other smokers hasn’t led to me feeling tempted. The only emotion I feel when I’m around them is relieved; that I’m no longer a smoker. I would highly recommend Beau’s services. Go with an open mind and be very honest and he will take care of the rest.

FK - Barnet